
Press Conference Results of the 2019 PDAM Tirta Pakuan Customer Satisfaction Survey


Press Conference Results of the 2019 PDAM Tirta Pakuan Customer Satisfaction Survey

Regional Public Company (Perumda) Tirta Drinking Water Pakuan Kota Bogor with the Institute’s Business School Bogor Agriculture (SB-IPB) conducted the survey results customer satisfaction of PDAM Tirta Pakuan in 2019.

“As for the purpose of the Satisfaction Survey activity PDAM Tirta Pakuan customers in 2019 are profiling or identification of characteristics and behavior PDAM Tirta Pakuan customers, know the assessment customers for the service performance of PDAM products Tirta Pakuan in 2019, knowing the assessment customers for the service performance of PDAM Tirta Pakuan in 2019 and provide input and recommendations to improve service performance PDAM Tirta Pakuan so that the level of satisfaction the customer increases.

Based on the results of the Customer Satisfaction Survey Perumda Tirta Pakuan Drinking Water in 2019, Index Customer Satisfaction (IKP) for product services has a value of 74 percent and falls into the category satisfied. The IKP for services has a value of 74 percent and enter into the category satisfied.

“High customer satisfaction will increase positive performance for PDAM Tirta Pakuan and loyalty for customers. Customer satisfaction survey PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor City in 2019 online general is meant to get basic material for consideration and reference in planning and purposeful decision making improve customer satisfaction.

PDAM Tirta Public Relations and Customer Service Manager Pakuan, Jamalis said, this evaluation is important for conducted by PDAM Tirta Pakuan as BUMD for improve performance improvements. For always can improve the performance of its products and services, then PDAM Tirta Pakuan conducted a Satisfaction Survey Customer or Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) every year.