
Experience Turning a Bankrupt Company into a Palace of Civilization, the Pride of the Nation

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Experience Turning a Bankrupt Company into a Palace of Civilization, the Pride of the Nation

The Capita Selecta Management and Business Class (KSMB) SB-IPB on September 15, 2020, for Master Study Program Class R63 and R64 received a special speaker, Mr. Dr. Achmad Fachrodji, who is the President Director of Balai Pustaka. Previously Dr. Achmad serves as the Director of BUMN Perhutani and Inhutani. He graduated from the Doctoral Program in Management and Business (DMB) of the IPB University Business School and was a graduate of the Best Doctorate in Business from IPB University in 2010. Dr. Achmad also teaches at Mercu Buana University and was awarded the best e-learning lecturer for three consecutive years. He opened the meeting with the Balai Pustaka Poem. “Beautifully blooming Cempaka flowers, the moonlight decorating the sky; We come from Balai Pustaka, the Palace of Civilization, the pride of the nation. “

Dr. Achmad Fachrodji shared his experience in turning a bankrupt company into a palace of civilization, the pride of the nation. At the time of entering Balai Pustaka (BP) in 2016, BP was in a state of loss for 15 years, employees were not paid for 5 months, piling up debt, not bankable, small revenue, the factory was not operating, the atmosphere of the office was a slum and even threatened to be closed. Dr. Achmad Fachrodji came up with a new approach of “change” or “change”, from BP, which initially turned the road in place to running fast like a panther. He presented BP’s vision as “The leader in the publishing, printing and multimedia industry”. The company culture that is built is INTELLIGENT (creative, energetic, responsive, dynamic, active, and smart) and the company’s values ​​are JUARA (honest, superior, trustworthy, diligent, and fair).

To be able to run fast, it takes a lever and a jump. Some things that need to be instilled are to think big by starting big without forgetting the small (Pareto); philosophy of three times: 1x pays past obligations, 1x completes the present and 1x picks up the future; and management more by providing services that are greater than customer expectations.
With Dr. Achmad Fachrodji, who likes singing, has developed the principle of synergy with other companies such as Bank Mandiri, Telkom, and others. His Poem becomes a medium in developing cooperation that can create benefits for BP. Dr. Achmad Fachrodji entered BP in 2016 which lost money, in 2017 Dr. Achmad Fachrodji was able to change it to reap profits or profits that continue to increase until now.

After completing the presentation, the students enthusiastically asked questions so that a heated discussion occurred. Dr. Achmad Fachrodji also gave 3 of his Poem books to students with the best questions. Class Committee R63 (Defni) delivered a reply to Balai Pustaka. “Skinny people learn physics, have dinner stolen by geese, keep going to Balai Pustaka, So Palace of National Civilization”.