
Financial Literacy Goes To Campus, Investment Tips For Millennials

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Financial Literacy Goes To Campus, Investment Tips For Millennials

IPB University Business School (SB-IPB) and IPB University are collaborating with Berita Satu Media Holding, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), and PT Danareksa Investment Management to hold a financial literacy event goes to campus which is held regularly online on Thursday (15/10). Raising the topic “Investment Tips for Millennials”, this event was attended by 550 people in the Zoom meeting room and 1424 people listening through the live streaming of the Berita Satu Youtube account. The webinar activity does not only run in one direction, participants actively participate in discussion sessions, quizzes, and the Instagram repost challenge which prizes various interesting door prizes.

The SB-IPB financial literacy activity goes to campus presented a keynote speaker, Member of the OJK Board of Commissioners for Consumer Education and Protection, Tirta Segara, SE, MBA. Other speakers at the panel discussion were also presented, including 1) Executive Vice President of Wealth Management Division of BRI, Tina Meilina, CWM, CFP; (2) President Director of Danareksa Investment Management, Marsangap P Tamba, MSc; and (3) Dean of the IPB Business School, Prof. Dr. Ir. Noer Azam Achsani, MS. Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of IPB University, Dr. Ir. Drajat Martiato, MSi represented the Rector of IPB to give a speech. The event was opened by Poppy Zeidra as the host followed by singing again Indonesia Raya, opening speech, presentation of material, followed by a panel discussion moderated by News Director BeritaSatu Media Holdings, Primus Dorimulu.

While fighting the health crisis and returning the wheels of the economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic, financial literacy is believed to play a strategic role in the country’s economic recovery. “Millennials are currently 1/3 of Indonesia’s population with the main characteristic of being dependent on the internet and gadgets. Millennials who have set aside funds from their income for new investments are 2%. The financial challenges faced by millennials include lifestyle pressures, lack of knowledge about finance, and a lot of forests and wasteful experience to gain ”. Said Tina.

Tirta Segara explained five reasons why the habit of saving and investing should continue to be instilled in millennials from an early age, including 1) millennials are the nation’s next generation, 2) low levels of financial literacy according to the OJK survey, 3) more vulnerable financially, 4) no prepare an emergency fund, and 5) alert illegal investments. Investing is often seen as something scary, but it can be easier to understand if you understand the basic principles of investing, namely planning, execution, and monitoring. Tirta shared investment tips for millennials, “Investing for millennials can be done by understanding the character and financial condition, recognizing investment products, starting small, diversifying investments, not getting emotional, and ensuring 2L Legal and Logical”.

“Investments need to be planned with specific goals, such as investments with plans to buy a house, education costs, etc. Choosing an investment product is also a plan, to match the goals and abilities of millennials when they first invest. After making a plan, execute! Invest by the predetermined plan and monitor investment developments intensively to find out what steps can be taken in the future. Investment plays an important role in protecting the value of money, uncertainty in the future, and retirement plans, “said Tina.

“Smart tips for managing finances for millennials are allocating their income with a 4-3-2-1 formula, 40% for daily needs, 30% for debt needs, 20% for investment and insurance needs, and 10% for social needs. spending priorities, try to only have ‘good debt’, determine your investment goals, understand the financial products, don’t forget to prepare an emergency fund, then start investing and buying insurance products because we need protection, take advantage of the ‘auto-debit’ account facility, and must be disciplined in managing finances. ” Tina explained that she shared tips on managing finances for millennials.

Investment is a solution to more optimal financial goals. Marsangap suggested, “Mutual fund investment can be used as an easy-to-reach investment alternative for novice investors”. Finally, Prof. Dr. Ir. Noer Azam Achsani, MS explained tips on investing in the real sector. Furthermore, Okty Shalihati shared tips for budding entrepreneurs to obtain funds from investors. “Tips to convince investors, make a proper pitch deck flow for the session and master the discussion session”.