
GET TO KNOW SB-IPB: How to Become a Bachelor of Business with Deep Talk Concept


GET TO KNOW SB-IPB: How to Become a Bachelor of Business with Deep Talk Concept

Business School Bogor Agricultural University in cooperation with the BEM SB-IPB has been carrying the theme of “GET TO KNOW SB-IPB: How to Become a Bachelor of Business” . This activity was carried out online on June 13, 2020 through the Zoom Clouds Meeting. This activity was carried out with the concept of Deep Talk. In accordance with the theme, this activity aims to get to know more about the IPB University Bachelor of Business Study Program. The participants of this activity consisted of high school students and equivalent, Counseling Guidance Teachers (BK), and parents of students. This activity was attended by general participants as well as those invited specifically by SB-IPB. Present as moderator was the Chairman of the SB-IPB Admissions and Public Relations Commission (Andina Oktariani SE, M.Si). Submission of the IPB University Undergraduate Business Study Program by the Dean of the IPB University Business School (Prof. Dr. Ir. Noer Azam Achsani, MS), while information related to the entry pathway for the IPB University Undergraduate Business Study Program was delivered by the Head of Sub-Directorate for Admissions and Registration of New Students of IPB University Dr. Utami Dyah Syafitri, S.Si, M.Si).

 Participants in the activity carried out interactive discussions because they were enthusiastic about the explanations presented regarding the Bachelor of Business study program. Some of them are participants who really want to enter the IPB University Bachelor of Business Study Program through various channels provided by IPB University. Seeing the enthusiasm of the participants, the second session of Get to Know SB-IPB will be released soon. This can be a place for students, teachers and parents to find out in detail about the IPB University Bachelor of Business Study Program. How to become a Bachelor of Business and what you need to prepare to join the Bachelor of Business of IPB University.