
Halal Bihalal Online Eid al-Fitr 1441 H


Halal Bihalal Online Eid al-Fitr 1441 H

Business School held an online Halal Bihalal (HBH) event using the Zoom Cloud Meeting application on Saturday, 30 May 2020 starting at 10.00 WIB. The HBH was attended by the Chancellor of IPB University, the Board of Trustees, the SB IPB Alumni Association, and all SB IPB academicians, as well as other invited guests totaling 279 participants. Also attending were SB IPB students from the Freeport Special Class in Tembagapura, represented by Mas Herrin.

The Halal bihalal was opened by Hanif as Master of Ceremony (MC) and begins with the recitation of the holy Quran by Ali Misri. The event was continued with a speech from the Dean by Prof. Noer Azam Achsani, who conveyed the development of SB IPB one year ago with the achievements that have been achieved, such as the Best Achievement Students S1 IPB 2020 Undergraduate Program (SB 54), KICK ANDY HEROES 2020: Sandi Octa Susila (SB Masters Program Student), 501 Fabulous Global HR Leaders Awards (SB Doctoral Program Student), 1st and 2nd place in the Action Plan Competition at the Japanese Food Industry Field Study for ASEAN Members State (AMS) won by SB IPB undergraduate and postgraduate students. In addition, three SB IPB journals are SINTA 2 accredited and there is a new journal, namely Business Review and Case Studies.

The next remarks by IPB University Chancellor Arif Satria who conveyed that everyone has the same capital as reason and the same biological aspects (nature) but needs to be built (nurture) to always build one’s capacity as a learner and benefit others. One of them is Ramadan worship, how do we take advantage of nurture which must be more progressive for the next 11 months of worship.

Tausiah was delivered by Prof. KH Nasaruddin Umar raised the meaning of friendship. There are two main attributes of Allah in Asmaul Husna, which are contained in the Basmallah lafadz, namely Ar-Rahmaan and Al-Raheem. Both of these characteristics come from the word Rahimah, which means deep love. There is also a difference between Rahmaniyah (temporary) and Rahmat Rahmat (eternal or permanent). Allah SWT puts forward Al-Rahman because he thoroughly provides love and grace. In addition, in keeping in touch, not only in love with humans but with other creatures such as plants, animals and inanimate objects. This is related to ukhuwah which was not popularized, namely Ukhuwah Makhlukiyah. There is nothing in this world that does not praise Allah. Prof. Nasaruddin told the story of Rasulullah SAW taking 7 grains of sand and asked his friends to listen. The sand that is placed in the palm of the hand cannot be heard by the sound of the prayer beads, the Prophet ordered the sand to be brought closer to the ear and there was a sound like a bee. Such is how the sand gives praise to Allah SWT. Prof. Nasaruddin also reminded us not to fight with COVID-19 because this pandemic is a disaster that serves to make us aware. The halal bihalal was closed with a joint prayer led by Mr. Bachtiar and taking a group photo for documentation via Zoom Cloud Meeting.