
Hospitality of SB-IPB Graduates Phase V


Hospitality of SB-IPB Graduates Phase V

IPB Business School carries out social activities as well as a thanksgiving for the graduates of SB-IPB on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at the Mahony Room, Campus SB-IPB. This activity was attended by prospective graduates SB-IPB stage V IPB T.A 2019/2020 and their families. At this graduation stage, SB IPB graduated 11 people For Undergraduate Study Program, 24 people from Masters Study Program, and 7 people Doctoral Study Program. The representatives attended the event Dean of Academic SB-IPB, Dr. Idqan Fahmi, Deputy Dean SKP Dr. Nimmi Zulbainarni, S.Pi, M.Si, Head of Study Program Dr. Hartoyo and the SB-IPB lecturers. This activity begins remarks by Dr. Idqan Fahmi.

In his speech, he conveyed his remarks congratulations to the graduates and families who have completed his studies. One of a series this hospitality is the giving of appreciation towards the best SB IPB graduates at each strata.