
National Seminar HA SB-IPB


National Seminar HA SB-IPB

The IPB University Business School Alumni Association holds a National Seminar every Friday through Zoom Meetings at 09.00 – 10.30 WIB in June 2020, the number of participants who took part in this discussion was 50-200 people. The purpose of holding this discussion seminar is to broaden knowledge and discuss actual issues and a means of gathering various stakeholders. This discussion seminar was held starting from May, in June it was held 4 times.

Friday, June 5, 2020, the sixth discussion was held which invited resource persons Dr. Ir. Sri Hartono, MM, CMA, CHRA. He is the CEO of BMS Group, CEO of PT. Catur Pilar Jaya, Secretary General of AACIM and UMB Jakarta Postgraduate lecturer. This seminar was moderated by Muhammad Harun Al Rasyid, STP, MM. This fifth discussion raised the theme “Tips and Tricks on Marketers’ Challenges in the New Normal Era”, which discussed changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic which had an impact on changes in consumer behavior, people’s purchasing power, distribution systems, product variations, access to information, and also the price issue. In addition, the discussion this time discussed 9 steps to survive in the New Normal era, including optimizing social media and staying connected with customers, ensuring the most responsive brand, providing the best service, building a deep impression and other important tips.

The theme carried in the discussion of the seven alumni associations of the IPB University Business School on 12 June 2020 was “Predicting the impact of the New Normal on Public Health and the Economy”. The discussion material was explained by the resource person, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hermanto Siregar, M.Ec. He conveyed that when the normal era of the economy was in balance, then the shock or shock of the Covid-19 pandemic made the economy unbalanced so that it had to make adjustments, there were several options including leaving it “to nature” to do (Herd Immunity) or implement intervention / policy government; overcoming the source of shocks and overcoming the socio-economic impact caused by the source of shocks.

The following week’s discussion will be on June 19, 2020. The theme carried is “Enterprise Risk Management” with the resource person, Admiral Madya (ret) TNI Dr. Desi Albert Mamahit, M.Sc and Moderator Resista Vikaliana, S.Si, MM. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a series of methodologies and procedures used to identify, measure, monitor and control risks arising from all business activities, including credit risk, operational risk, and other risks in an effort to maximize corporate value. This ERM will be beneficial for companies in the New Normal era so that the company can survive and keep developing. The ninth discussion on June 26, 2020, the IPB Business School Alumni Association invited Dr. Sufrin Hannan, EPC. and Moderator Zahraa Zahira with the theme of the discussion “Post-Pandemic Passion and Purpose; a “Coaching” approach. There are 3 points of discussion in this discussion, namely Pandemic and “Leader” Strategy Change, understanding and developing passion and purpose, and the Coaching approach. The discussion of the IPB University Business School Alumni Association will continue in the following month, it is hoped that this discussion is in accordance with predetermined goals, namely increasing knowledge of actual issues and policies in addressing certain matters.