
NextDraft Business Magazine Release

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NextDraft Business Magazine Release

Coinciding with the moment of the 57th IPB University Anniversary on September 1, 2020, the IPB University Business School officially released the BUSINESS NEXTDRAFT magazine. Dr. Idqan Fahmi as editor-in-chief said that the Business School institution has changed several times from the beginning of the Master of Agribusiness Management (MMA-IPB) in 1992 to Management and Business (MB-IPB) in 2005 and finally the School of Business (SB-IPB) in 2015. Environment business is constantly changing at an increasingly high speed so that it is known as Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA). So, just changing is no longer sufficient. An institution, including a business, must change faster than the changes in its environment to survive.

The magazine that has always been used by SB-IPB to communicate with its partners, AGRIMEDIA, is no exception to the demand for transformation. After not greeting our readers for a long time, we are back with a new name and format. To keep relevant is the reason why the old AGRIMEDIA magazine has to evolve into BUSINESS NEXTDRAFT.

BUSINESS NEXTDRAFT is not just a new name but also carries a different mission and substance. The word NextDraft shows that the material presented is up-to-date and inspires the next practice in doing business. The tagline carried is Shared Vision and Beyond Business. SB-IPB hopes that this magazine will not only inspire but also connect ideas from stakeholders, connect people to collaborate, even connecting the present to the future. In turn, all of this is expected to become a shared vision (shared vision) of SB-IPB, its stakeholders, and society at large. SB-IPB also wants to invite readers to see business as an activity that is not only profit and material-oriented, but also cares about its impact both on the community and the natural environment in which they are located (beyond business).

The first edition of Business Nextdraft magazine comes with the topic “Business DNA in the Pandemic Era: Implications and Strategy”. Business DNA is defined as the genetic material that builds a strong business nucleus and has high resilience in the face of various uncertainties including during the pandemic era. With a strong and agile business DNA, it is hoped that the business world will be able to grow and develop into an engine for life in an era full of uncertainty in the future. The writings in this edition are intended as references and inspiration for business people to be able to build optimism during the Pandemic era and be able to see business opportunities as people adapt to new habits.