
Renewable Energy

renewable energy

Renewable Energy

On 20 October 2020, Mrs. Etty Susilowati agreed to share in the R63 and R64 Class R63 and R64 Capita Selecta Management and Business (KSMB) regarding Renewable Energy. He is the President Director of PT Jasa Tirta Energi as well as the commissioner, co-founder of PT Puri Lupine Indonesia, and PT Lupine Mitra Bakti Nusantara. Previously, he worked at Lupine Food Australia, PT Frontliner Indonesia, PT Amanu Bina Citra, PT PNM, and others. He completed his S1 from Trisakti University, S2 from UI, and S3 from SB-IPB University.

PT Jasa Tirta Energi (JTE) is a state-owned subsidiary of Perum Jasa Tirta I. JTE has two divisions, namely the energy division and the general services division. The energy division is one of the divisions assigned the task of developing the potential for water resources in the working area of ​​Perum Jasa Tirta I into electrical energy. Meanwhile, the public services division has developed for more than 15 years in the fields of dredging, steel sheet pile (SSP) pulling out, heavy equipment rental, SSP rental, and water resources infrastructure management.

With the limitations of fossil energy, new and renewable energy (EBT) has become important alternative energy. The national energy policy targets NRE for around 23% of Indonesia’s total primary energy by 2025. EBT consists of various types such as solar, water, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, and nuclear power. Biomass can consist of biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel, bio charcoal, and organic waste. The priority of national energy development is maximizing the use of renewable energy, minimizing the use of petroleum, optimizing the use of natural gas and new energy, using coal as a mainstay of national energy supply, and utilizing nuclear as a last resort.

Currently, JTE is developing various power generation businesses that come from water, solar, wind or wind, and biomass such as biodiesel. There are still many potential new and renewable energy sources to be developed.