
Sapa Agrianita – Tips to Stay Optimistic During the Pandemic

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Sapa Agrianita – Tips to Stay Optimistic During the Pandemic

Agrianita SB-IPB University held a SAPA AGRIANITA webinar with the theme “Tips for Staying Optimistic in Pandemic Times”. On this occasion, Agrianita SB-IPB University presented resource persons who had direct experience of the impact of the pandemic, be it experiences as a Covid-19 survivor attended by Prof. Joko Santoso who is also a lecturer from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences of IPB University, Family of Covid-19 survivors, namely Retna Widyawati, SP who is also the Chair of Agrianita IPB University and the wife of the Rector of IPB University, Prof. Dr. Arif Satria. As well as businessman Rizka W. Romadhona, MM is an alumnus of SB-IPB University and the owner of the Lapis Bogor Sangkuriang business. This webinar was also moderated by Ir. Agusnizar Saleh as a member of Agrianita SB-IPB and presented by Ima A. Savitri S.Si as a representative of IPB Business School.

The event begins with a speech by Dr. Reni Lestari as Chairperson of Agrianita SB-IPB University. He said that the Sapa Agrianita activity is a routine event organized by Agrianita IPB University which carries various interesting and useful themes. Opening Speech was also delivered by Ina Agus Purwito as Head of the Arts, Sports and Spirituality Agrianita IPB University. On his occasion, he said that the current pandemic conditions it has limited us from doing activities, economic conditions, and so on. Therefore, this webinar activity is expected to provide enthusiasm and new learning to stay optimistic during a pandemic. The remarks also marked the opening of the Sapa Agrianita webinar.

In his presentation, Prof. Joko Santoso shared his experiences as a Covid-19 survivor. He concluded that this pandemic condition should be used as a moment to strengthen immunity, namely faith-immunity-safe. Always have a good prejudice against the Creator that all the conditions given will have wisdom behind it all. Keep up the spirit by building a strong mentality, support from the core family, and obeying health protocols from experts. Furthermore, the explanation from Retna Widyawati, SP also shared her experience as a family of Covid-19 survivors, that family function is very important compared to the patient himself. According to him, in dealing with these conditions it is important to spread a sense of optimism, assuming that a positive attitude can be transmitted to the patient’s condition. A positive attitude in yourself will also have a good impact on decision making so that it will produce a productive attitude.

The last presentation was by Rizka Rizka W. Romadhona, MM who is also the owner of the Agrinesia company with its various cake products, namely Lapis Bogor Sangkuriang, Bolu Susu Lembang, Bolu Singosari Malang, and so on. In his presentation, this pandemic condition is a moment to still be able to take advantage of opportunities compared to the crisis itself. Changes in consumer behavior in current conditions force companies to continue to analyze the situation and consumer needs to produce various innovations to still be able to deliver products into the hands of consumers. Also, adapt and transform sales channels. Currently, offline sales are a new concern for consumers so that companies innovate to create applications and enter the world of e-commerce to sell their products online. although there were many complaints at the beginning, this has become the trigger for a better sales system and continues to grow until now.

The event was continued with a question and answer session and sharing of other experiences as a family of Covid-19 survivors. The event was closed with an appreciation and group photo.