
SB-IPB Collaborates with CWMA in Wealth Management Certification Program

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-28 at 16.26.30

SB-IPB Collaborates with CWMA in Wealth Management Certification Program

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between CERTIFIED WEALTH MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATION (CWMA) and BOGOR AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE on Education, Research and Community Service Cooperation in Wealth Management at IPB Rectory Building, Dramaga, Bogor (27/01). MoU will continue with cooperation between CWMA and IPB Business School which one form of cooperation is to carry out Acceleration Training of Trainer (TOT) for members of Business School IPB University (SB-IPB). CWMA will also provide Wealth Management Certification Program for SB IPB lecturers as well as students where this professional qualification can be used as a standard competency level in wealth management.

The signing was made by the Secretary General, Desi Armadiani representing the chairman of CWMA association (Catur Budi Harto) and Vice Rector of Cooperation and Informatics, Prof. Dr. Dodik Ridho Nurrochomat representing the Rector of IPB University (Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, S.P, M.Si) witnessed by CWMA Association Board of Trustees and Advisors, Maikel Sajangbati; CWMA Association Strategic Alliance, Sofi Suryasnia; Dean of IPB Business School, Prof. Dr. Noer Azam Achsani, M.S; Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Idqan Fahmi, M.Ec; Wakin Dean of Resources, Cooperation and Development of FEM IPB, Dr. Tanti Novianti, S.P, M.Si.