
Perpustakaan : Koleksi Buku Bulan Agustus 2008


Perpustakaan : Koleksi Buku Bulan Agustus 2008

Koleksi Buku Bulan Agustus 2008

No Nama Buku Penerbit
1 Strategy a view from the top/Cornels A. de Kluyer pearson prentice hall
2 Logistics management and strategy/Alan Harrison and Remko Van Hook Prentice hall
3 Strategic Human Resourch management/Mike Millmore Prentice hall
4 Managerial accounting/Linda Smith Bamber Pearson education
5 Marketing management, 13th ed./Philip Kotler Prentice hall
6 Kleppners adverstising procedure/W.Ronald Lane Pearson Education
7 Adverstising, 7th ed/William Wells Pearson education
8 Statistics for busisness and economics/Paul Newbold Pearson Education
9 Business forcasting, 9th ed/John E. Hanke Pearson Education
10 Enterpriseb systems for management/Luvai F.F. Motiwalla pearson prentice hall
11 Public relations 9th ed/Dennis L.Wilcox Pearson
12 Financial economics, 2nd/Zvi Bodie Pearson Education
13 Exploring research, 7th ed/Neil J. Salkind pearson prentice hall